Digital Competences for CSOs – blended online course, May 2019
Tin Geber, Consultant on Civic Tech, Social Innovation Specialist at Hivos
Tin is a computational artist and creative strategist with experience in human-centred program and service design, project implementation, and workshop facilitation. He has extensive international experience with a broad range of thematic areas across the development spectrum. Tin has been working on the intersection of technology, art and activism for most of the last decade. In his previous role as Design and Tech Lead for The Engine Room, he developed role-playing games for human rights activists; collaborated on augmented reality transmedia projects; and helped NGOs around the world to develop creative ways to combine technology and human rights (such as online platforms exposing land grabbing, microtasking tools for human rights, and even tools about tools).
Tin has a BA in Media Sciences, and an MA in Computational Arts
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