Environmental mainstreaming is important because economic and social development and the environment are fundamentally interdependent. The way we manage the economy and political and social institutions has critical impacts on the environment, while environmental quality and sustainability, in turn, are vital for the performance of the economy and social well-being.

To put it simply, not taking the environment into account in our work can backfire and can cause more harm than good on the longer term.

So whether you are trying to improve health policy in your country or developing a project in your community that would improve transport infrastructure (allowing people to search for jobs further from their home, for example), not thinking about and addressing the impact you would have on the environment would be akin to ignoring the biggest elephant in the room. Our successful survival even on the mid-term will depend on more of us being able and willing to ‘wear’ an environmental filter in both our work and daily lives.

This is where our two webinars on environmental mainstreaming come in. And this is where you have an opportunity to improve your understanding of environmental issues, mainstreaming strategies and tools and reflect on how you could take these issues into account in your work.

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